Title: How SplitC Streamlined Operations with Jspreadsheet Pro
Keywords: SplitC, Jspreadsheet Pro, JavaScript data grid, operational efficiency, data visualization, Excel-like tools, case study, business productivity
Description: Learn how SplitC utilized Jspreadsheet Pro to solve operational challenges, improve data visualization, and achieve greater productivity with Excel-like JavaScript grid solutions.
A game changer
The company
At SplitC, we understand that calculating and distributing variable compensation can be a huge task, especially as your company grows. We were created to solve this problem from start to finish: automating your complex calculations, distributing the results, and helping to deposit the money into people’s accounts. We are a variable compensation calculation engine. We gather data from multiple specialized platforms like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and payment gateways. Then, we automate all variable compensation calculation rules, ensuring transparency for the recipients.
The challenge
Traditional methods of managing variable compensation were problematic due to complex data sources from CRMs, ERPs, and payment gateways. Transparency in compensation calculations was essential, requiring a solution that offered accuracy, efficiency, and user-friendly functionality.
The solution
Jspreadsheet made a big difference for SplitC, streamlining their work and making it easier. With its helpful features and good performance, Jspreadsheet sped up tasks, reduced time spent on basic functions, and made customers more satisfied by cutting out manual work.
What challenges were you facing before discovering Jspreadsheet?
Given the platform’s technical nature, we noticed that our typical users were very skilled in Excel. They appreciated having the option to perform “bulk operations” with very large volumes of data (for example, lists of clients with 50,000 to 100,000 items). Manually copying and pasting so many records can be quite challenging.
How did Jspreadsheet help you overcome this challenge, and how did it impact your business?
After testing various “Excel-like” libraries, we chose Jspreadsheet because we prioritize performance. Its small bundle size and feature set were a major draw. At SplitC, we don’t use all features (such as formulas or direct backend connection), only the essentials. Jspreadsheet provides everything we need to offer our users a highly efficient experience similar to Excel. The result was a significant reduction in delivery time for simple/bulk Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) functionalities, and clients were thrilled to no longer have to manually enter each item.