
This section provides essential information about the data grid cell, including its properties, such as the DOM reference, editor type, and attributes, such as read-only mask and rendering methods. It also explains how to interact with and customize the cell's behaviour according to your requirements.



The methods listed below allow for programmatic interaction with the cells:

Method Description
getCell This function allows you to obtain the DOM element for a data grid cell using its standard name, such as A1 or B3.
getCell(cellName: String) => Object
getCellFromCoords The following function retrieves the DOM reference for a data grid cell based on its coordinates, starting with (0,0) for A1.
getCellFromCoords(x: Number, y: Number) => Object
isAttached Verify if a cell element is attached to the DOM.
isAttached(x: Number, y: Number) => void
getProperty Get the cell properties
getProperty(column: Number, row: Number) => Object
setProperty Update the cell properties
setProperty(column: Number, row: Number, properties: Object) => Object

Internal methods

Internal methods may result in untracked changes not recorded in the system's event listeners, history, or persistence layers. It is recommended to use alternative methods to ensure proper tracking and consistency of the system's state.

Method Description
getCells Get the configuration of a cell including type, masks and other attributes.
getCells(cellName: String) => Object

Alternative: getProperty()
setCells Set the configuration for a cell or multiple cells without events or history or DOM updates.
setCells(cellNames: String|Object, attributes?: Object) => void

Alternative: setProperty()
updateCell Update the cell value without events or history.
updateCell(x: Number, y: Number, value: String, force: Boolean) => []

Alternative: setValue()


JS events related to the JavaScript grid cells.

Property Description
oncreatecell This method will be called when a cell is created.
oncreatecell(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number, value: Value) => void

Cells settings Pro

The following property is available through the initialization of the spreadsheet.

Property Type Description
type 'text' | 'number' | 'numeric' | 'percent' | 'notes' | 'dropdown' | 'autocomplete' | 'calendar' | 'color' | 'checkbox' | 'radio' | 'autonumber' | 'progressbar' | 'rating' | 'email' | 'url' | 'image' | 'html' | 'hidden' | 'tags' | 'record' Define the type of editor to use for the column. Can be a string to define a native editor, or a method to define a custom editor plugin.
title string The title of the column.
tooltip string Define the tooltip text to display on mouseover for the column header.
align 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'justify' The alignment of the column content. Default: center.
source Array<DropdownItem> | Array | Array The items to show in the dropdown or autocomplete.
autocomplete boolean Whether the column is an autocomplete field.
multiple boolean Whether the dropdown or autocomplete can accept multiple options.
delimiter string The delimiter to use for separating multiple dropdown options. Default: ";".
mask string The input mask to apply to the data cell. @see https://jsuites.net/v4/javascript-mask
decimal '.' | ',' The character to use as the decimal separator.
truncate number The maximum number of characters to display in the cell before truncating.
disabledMaskOnEdition boolean Whether to disable the mask when editing.
render string | ((td: HTMLElement, value: number|string, x: number, y: number, worksheet: worksheetInstance, options: Column) => void) A renderer method or rule for the cell content.
format string The format of the date or numbers in the cell. Default for the calendar: "DD/MM/YYYY".
locale string Locale for Intl.NumberFormat
options Calendar | Dropdown | object Extended configuration for the column.
readOnly boolean Whether the column is read-only.
rotate number The rotation angle for the text value, between -90 and 90. Default: null.


Configuration at the cell level

Basic data grid with different cell types and attributes

<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v10/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v10/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)

// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        data: [
            ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
            ['Purchase price', '19700'],
            ['Down payment', '1000'],
            ['Trade-in value', '500'],
            ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
            ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
            ['', ''],
            ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
            ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
        columns: [
            { width:'300px' },
            { width:'200px' },
        mergeCells: {
            A1: [2, 1]
        rows: {
            0: { height:'200px' }
        cells: {
            A1: { type:'html' },
            B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
            B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
            B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";

const license = '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';

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();
    // Data
    const data = [
        ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
        ['Purchase price', '19700'],
        ['Down payment', '1000'],
        ['Trade-in value', '500'],
        ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
        ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
        ['', ''],
        ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
        ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
    // Cells
    const cells = {
        A1: { type:'html' },
        B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
        B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
        B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
    // Columns
    const columns = [
        { width:'300px' },
        { width:'200px' },
    // Merge cells
    const mergeCells = {
        A1: [2, 1];
    // Rows properties
    const rows = {
        0: { height:'200px' }

    // Render component
    return (
        <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet} license={license} extensions={extensions}>
            <Worksheet data={data} cells={cells} columns={columns} mergeCells={mergeCells} rows={rows} />
    <Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet" :license="license">
        <Worksheet :data="data" :columns="columns" :cells="cells" :rows="rows" />

import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/vue";

const license = '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';

export default {
    components: {
    data() {
        // Data
        const data = [
            ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
            ['Purchase price', '19700'],
            ['Down payment', '1000'],
            ['Trade-in value', '500'],
            ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
            ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
            ['', ''],
            ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
            ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
        // Cells
        const cells = {
            A1: { type:'html' },
            B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
            B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
            B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        // Columns
        const columns = [
            { width:'300px' },
            { width:'200px' },
        // Merge cells
        const mergeCells = {
            A1: [2, 1];
        // Rows properties
        const rows = {
            0: { height:'200px' }

        return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet";

import "jspreadsheet/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)

    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>`
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                data: [
                    ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
                    ['Purchase price', '19700'],
                    ['Down payment', '1000'],
                    ['Trade-in value', '500'],
                    ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
                    ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
                    ['', ''],
                    ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
                    ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
                columns: [
                    { width:'300px' },
                    { width:'200px' },
                mergeCells: {
                    A1: [2, 1]
                rows: {
                    0: { height:'200px' }
                cells: {
                    A1: { type:'html' },
                    B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
                    B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
                    B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },

Update the cell type

Here is an example that demonstrates how to programmatically change the type of a cell.

<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v10/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v10/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

<input type="button" value="Change A1 to dropdown" id="changebtn"/>

// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)

const setType = function() {
    // Change the cell editor type
        type: 'dropdown',
        source: ['Male','Female'],
    // Define the new value
    worksheets[0].setValue('A1', 'Male');

// Create the spreadsheet
let worksheets = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        minDimensions: [6,6],

document.getElementById('changebtn').onclick = setType
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";

const license = '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';

const setType = (worksheet) => {
    // Change the cell editor type
        type: 'dropdown',
        source: ['Male','Female'],
    // Define the new value
    worksheet.setValue('A1', 'Male');

export default function App() {
    // Spreadsheet array of worksheets
    const spreadsheet = useRef();

    // Render component
    return (
            <Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet} license={license}>
                <Worksheet minDimensions={[6,6]} />
            <input type="button" onClick={() => setType(spreadsheet.current[0])} value="Change A1 to a dropdown" />
<Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet" :license="license">
        <Worksheet :data="data" :columns="columns" :cells="cells" :rows="rows" />
    <input type="button" @click="setType" value="Change A1 to a dropdown" />

import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/vue";

const license = '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';

export default {
    components: {
    methods: {
        setType() {
            // First worksheet
            let worksheet = this.$refs.spreadsheet.current[0];

            // Change the cell editor type
                type: 'dropdown',
                source: ['Male','Female'],

            // Define the new value
            worksheet.setValue('A1', 'Male');
    data() {
        // Data
        const data = [
            ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
            ['Purchase price', '19700'],
            ['Down payment', '1000'],
            ['Trade-in value', '500'],
            ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
            ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
            ['', ''],
            ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
            ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
        // Cells
        const cells = {
            A1: { type:'html' },
            B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
            B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
            B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
            B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
        // Columns
        const columns = [
            { width:'300px' },
            { width:'200px' },
        // Merge cells
        const mergeCells = {
            A1: [2, 1];
        // Rows properties
        const rows = {
            0: { height:'200px' }

        return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet";

import "jspreadsheet/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"

// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)

// Set the type
const setType = (worksheet) => {
    // Change the cell editor type
        type: 'dropdown',
        source: ['Male','Female'],
    // Define the new value
    worksheet.setValue('A1', 'Male');

// Create component
    selector: "app-root",
    template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>
        <input type="button" (click)="setType()" value="Change A1 to a dropdown" />`;
export class AppComponent {
    @ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
    // Worksheets
    worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
    // Create a new data grid
    ngAfterViewInit() {
        // Create spreadsheet
        this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
            worksheets: [{
                data: [
                    ['<img src="https://www.autoblog.com/img/research/styles/photos/performance.jpg" width="150" tabindex="0"><br><h4>Vehicle Payment Calculator</h4>', ''],
                    ['Purchase price', '19700'],
                    ['Down payment', '1000'],
                    ['Trade-in value', '500'],
                    ['Interest rate', '0.0305'],
                    ['Length of loan (in months)', '60'],
                    ['', ''],
                    ['Monthly payment', '=PMT(B5/12,B6,B2-(B3+B4))'],
                    ['Total cost', '=-(B8*B6)+(B3+B4)'],
                columns: [
                    { width:'300px' },
                    { width:'200px' },
                mergeCells: {
                    A1: [2, 1]
                rows: {
                    0: { height:'200px' }
                cells: {
                    A1: { type:'html' },
                    B2: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B3: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B4: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B5: { type:'number', mask: '0.00%' },
                    B6: { type: 'dropdown', source: [12,24,36,48,60] },
                    B8: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },
                    B9: { type:'number', mask: '#.##0,00' },

    setType() {
            // First worksheet
            let worksheet = this.worksheets[0];

            // Change the cell editor type
                type: 'dropdown',
                source: ['Male','Female'],

            // Define the new value
            worksheet.setValue('A1', 'Male');