Merged cells
This section covers creating and managing merged cells in your online spreadsheets.
The following methods help to deal with the merged cells programmatically.
Method | Description |
setMerge | Set the defined merged cell by the number of columns and rows given.setMerge(cells: String|Object, colspan?: Number, rowspan?: number) : void @param {string} cellName, for example A1, A2. Can be used as an object to apply multiple merge operations. @param {number?} colspan - Number of columns @param {number?} rowspan - Number of rows |
getMerge | Get a merged cell or all merge cells.getMerge(cells?: String) : mixed @param {string?} Cell name such as A1 or null to return all merged cells. @return {string|null} - cell name or null for all cells with merge properties. |
removeMerge | Destroy the merged cells by the cell name.removeMerge(cells: String|Object) : null @param {string|Object} - Cell name, such as A1 or an object with all cell names. For example: { A1: true, D1: true } |
destroyMerge | Destroy all merged cellsdestroyMerge() : null |
Spreadsheet merge cells related events.
Method | Description |
onmerge | onmerge(worksheet: Object, newValue: Array, oldValue: Array) : void |
Initial Settings
The initial merge cells spreadsheet properties.
Property | Description |
mergeCells: array | Allow the user to define the initial default merged cells. |
Known limitations
Merged cells over hidden or frozen rows and columns can cause unexpected results. We expect to handle exceptions in future releases.
A basic example of how to initiate and programmatically change the merged cells definitions.
The methods for merged cell management are: setMerge, getMerge, removeMerge and destroyMerge Open the merged cells example on JSFiddle.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div><br/>
<div id="log"></div><br/>
<input type="button" value="setMerge('A3', 2, 3)" id="setmerge" />
<input type="button" value="removeMerge('A3')" id="removemerge" />
<input type="button" value="Get all merged cells" id="getmerge" />
<input type="button" value="Destroy all merged" id="destroymerge" />
// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)
// Create the spreadsheet
let table = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
toolbar: true,
worksheets: [{
data: [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000, '2006-01-01 12:00:00'],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000, '2005-01-01 13:00:00'],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000, '2004-01-01 14:01:00'],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000, '2003-01-01 23:30:00'],
columnDrag: true,
worksheetName: 'Merged Cells',
minDimensions: [50, 5000],
tableOverflow: true,
tableWidth: '800px',
tableHeight: '300px',
columns: [
type: 'text',
width: '300px',
title: 'Model',
type: 'text',
width: '80px',
title: 'Year',
type: 'text',
width: '100px',
title: 'Price',
type: 'calendar',
width: '150px',
title: 'Date',
options: {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI',
time: 1,
mergeCells: {
A1: [2, 2]
document.getElementById("setmerge").onclick = () => table[0].setMerge('A3', 2, 3);
document.getElementById("removemerge").onclick = () => table[0].removeMerge('A3');
document.getElementById("getmerge").onclick = () => {
document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(table[0].getMerge());
document.getElementById("destroymerge").onclick = () => table[0].destroyMerge();
import React, { useRef } from "react";
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/react";
const license = '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';
export default function App() {
const spreadsheet = useRef();
const log = useRef();
const worksheets = [{
data: [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000, '2006-01-01 12:00:00'],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000, '2005-01-01 13:00:00'],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000, '2004-01-01 14:01:00'],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000, '2003-01-01 23:30:00'],
columnDrag: true,
worksheetName: 'Merged Cells',
minDimensions: [50, 5000],
tableOverflow: true,
tableWidth: '800px',
tableHeight: '300px',
columns: [
type: 'text',
width: '300px',
title: 'Model',
type: 'text',
width: '80px',
title: 'Year',
type: 'text',
width: '100px',
title: 'Price',
type: 'calendar',
width: '150px',
title: 'Date',
options: {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI',
time: 1,
mergeCells: {
A1: [2,2]
columnDrag: true,
return (
<Spreadsheet ref={spreadsheet} license={license} worksheets={worksheets} />
<div ref={log}></div>
<input type="text" value="setMerge('A3', 2, 3)" onclick="spreadsheet.current[0].setMerge('A3', 2, 3);" />
<input type="text" value="removeMerge('A3')" onclick="spreadsheet.current[0].removeMerge('A3');" />
<input type="text" value="Get all merged cells"
onclick="log.current.value = JSON.stringify(spreadsheet.current[0].getMerge());" />
<input type="text" value="Destroy all merged" onclick="spreadsheet.current[0].destroyMerge();" />
<Spreadsheet ref="spreadsheet" :license="license" :worksheets="worksheets"/>
<div ref="log"></div>
<input type="text" value="setMerge('A3', 2, 3)" onclick="this.$refs.spreadsheet.current[0].setMerge('A3', 2, 3);" />
<input type="text" value="removeMerge('A3')" onclick="this.$refs.spreadsheet.current[0].removeMerge('A3');" />
<input type="text" value="Get all merged cells"
onclick="this.$refs.log.value.value = JSON.stringify(this.$refs.spreadsheet.current[0].getMerge());" />
<input type="text" value="Destroy all merged" onclick="this.$refs.spreadsheet.current[0].destroyMerge();" />
import { Spreadsheet, Worksheet } from "@jspreadsheet/vue";
import formula from "@jspreadsheet/formula-pro";
const license = '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';
export default {
components: {
data() {
const worksheets = [{
data: [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000, '2006-01-01 12:00:00'],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000, '2005-01-01 13:00:00'],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000, '2004-01-01 14:01:00'],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000, '2003-01-01 23:30:00'],
columnDrag: true,
worksheetName: 'Merged Cells',
minDimensions: [50, 5000],
tableOverflow: true,
tableWidth: '800px',
tableHeight: '300px',
columns: [
type: 'text',
width: '300px',
title: 'Model',
type: 'text',
width: '80px',
title: 'Year',
type: 'text',
width: '100px',
title: 'Price',
type: 'calendar',
width: '150px',
title: 'Date',
options: {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI',
time: 1,
mergeCells: {
A1: [2,2]
columnDrag: true,
return {
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import jspreadsheet from "jspreadsheet";
import "jspreadsheet/dist/jspreadsheet.css"
import "jsuites/dist/jsuites.css"
import formula from "@jspreadsheet/formula-pro";
// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)
// Set the extension
jspreadsheet.setExtensions({ formula });
// Create component
selector: "app-root",
template: `<div #spreadsheet></div>
<div #log></div>
<input type="text" value="setMerge('A3', 2, 3)" onclick="this.worksheets[0].setMerge('A3', 2, 3);" />
<input type="text" value="removeMerge('A3')" onclick="this.worksheets[0].removeMerge('A3');" />
<input type="text" value="Get all merged cells"
onclick="this.log.nativeElement.value = JSON.stringify(this.worksheets[0].getMerge());" />
<input type="text" value="Destroy all merged" onclick="this.worksheets[0].destroyMerge();" />`,
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild("spreadsheet") spreadsheet: ElementRef;
@ViewChild("log") log: ElementRef;
// Worksheets
worksheets: jspreadsheet.worksheetInstance[];
// Create a new data grid
ngAfterViewInit() {
// Create spreadsheet
this.worksheets = jspreadsheet(this.spreadsheet.nativeElement, {
toolbar: true,
worksheets: [{
data: [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000, '2006-01-01 12:00:00'],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000, '2005-01-01 13:00:00'],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000, '2004-01-01 14:01:00'],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000, '2003-01-01 23:30:00'],
columnDrag: true,
worksheetName: 'Merged Cells',
minDimensions: [50, 5000],
tableOverflow: true,
tableWidth: '800px',
tableHeight: '300px',
columns: [
type: 'text',
width: '300px',
title: 'Model',
type: 'text',
width: '80px',
title: 'Year',
type: 'text',
width: '100px',
title: 'Price',
type: 'calendar',
width: '150px',
title: 'Date',
options: {
format: 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI',
time: 1,
mergeCells: {
A1: [2, 2]
Batch operations
The batch operation enables you to apply with single command multiple merged operations.
// To apply set merge in multiple cells at the same time
instance.setMerge({ A1: [2,2], E1: [2,2] });
// To remove merge in multiple cells at the same time
instance.removeMerge({ A1: true, E1: true });
Releases notes
Differences from version 9
worksheet.updateMerge | This method is deprecated. |
worksheet.merged | Internal merge controllers have been updated. |