Spreadsheet helpers
This section provides more details about some useful methods for creating methods in your online spreadsheets.
Method | Description |
getColumnName(number) | Get the column letter based on a number.jspreadsheet.helpers.getColumnName(columnNumber: Number) => String |
getColumnNameFromCoords(number, number) | Get the spreadsheet-like cell name from the coordinates.jspreadsheet.helpers.getColumnName(x: Number, y: Number) => String |
getCoordsFromColumnName(string) | Get the coordinates from the spreadsheet-like cell name.jspreadsheet.helpers.getCoordsFromColumnName(cellName: String) => [Number, Number] |
shiftFormula(string, number, number) | Update all variables from a formula based a shift of x, y positions.jspreadsheet.helpers.shiftFormula(formula: String, x: Number, y: Number) => String |
createFromTable(DOMElement, options) | Extract the configuration to create a new spreadsheet from a static HTML element.jspreadsheet.helpers.createFromTable(element: HTMLElement, options: Object) => Object |
parseCSV(string, string) | Transform a CSV string into an array.jspreadsheet.helpers.parseCSV(data: String, delimiter: String) => Array |
getTokensFromRange(string) | Extract the tokens from a range. Example: getTokensFromRange('A1:A10'); // returns [A1,A2,A3,A4...]jspreadsheet.helpers.getTokensFromRange(range: String) => Array |
getRangeFromTokens(array) | Get the range from an array of tokens. jspreadsheet.helpers.getRangeFromTokens(tokens: Array) => String |
getCoordsFromRange(string) | Get the coordinates from a range string. Example: getTokensFromRange('A1:A10'); // returns [0,0,0,9]jspreadsheet.helpers.getCoordsFromRange(range: string) => Array |
Worksheets shortcut to the helpers
On the most recent versions the instance of the worksheets provides a shortcut to the helpers.