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Data Persistence

Jspreadsheet is a frontend tool but has methods, events, and other features to help with the backend data persistence. This section will cover the following points:

  • Posting data to a remote server
  • Dealing with record IDs synchronization and sequences
  • Backend persistence in PHP example
  • Plugins for persistence



Jspreadsheet has an internal sequence for each worksheet. That is automatically incremented and allocated to a row when no record id is defined. It is possible to assign the sequence value to the row through worksheet.setRowId(row, id).



Method Description
getNextSequence Get the next sequence number.
getNextSequence() : void
getRowId Get the row ID from a row number given.
getRowId(rowNumber: Number) : void
setRowId Set the row ID from a row number given.
setRowId(rowNumber: Number, rowId: Number) : void
getRowById Get the data from a row, or the row object by id.
getRowById(rowNumber: Number, element: Boolean) : any
save Internal method to post a request to the server. The callback is executed when the backend returns a JSON
save(url: String, data: Any, token: String, callback: Function) : void


The onbeforesave event can be used to intercept, change or cancel the user action.

Method Description
onbeforesave Executed before a server update request.
onbeforesave(spreadsheet: Object, worksheet: Object, data: Object) : Object
It will return false to cancel the event or the replacement for the original data. Data is the information about the event that requires server persistence.
onsave It will bring information about the server update request.
onsave(spreadsheet: Object, worksheet: Object, data: Object, result, Object) : void


Property Description
On the spreadsheet configuration level
server: string URL for the server persistence requests. A global URL for all worksheets.
On the worksheet configuration level
persistence: string URL for the server persistence requests. One URL for each worksheet.
columns.primaryKey: boolean The primaryKey defines which column will be considered the ID for the records. number Define the ID for the row

Posting data to a remote server

When the persistence directive is active, an HTTP request happens on each spreadsheet update.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)

// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        url: '/jspreadsheet/books.json',
        columns: [
                type: 'autonumber',
                width: '50px',
                title: 'Code',
                name: 'id',
                readOnly: true,
                primaryKey: true
                type: 'image',
                width: '80px',
                title: 'Image',
                name: 'thumbnailUrl',
                type: 'text',
                width: '200px',
                title: 'Title',
                name: 'title'
                type: 'text',
                width: '55px',
                title: 'Pages',
                name: 'pageCount'
                type: 'calendar',
                width: '90px',
                title: 'Published',
                name: 'publishedDate'
                type: 'text',
                width: '200px',
                title: 'Author',
                name: 'authors'
                type: 'dropdown',
                width: '180px',
                title: 'Categories',
                name: 'categories',
                source: ['Internet','Web Development', 'Java', 'Mobile', 'Open Source'],
                multiple: true,
                render: 'tag'
        search: true,
        persistence: '/jspreadsheet/save',
    updateTable: function(instance, cell, col, row, val, label, cellName) {
        if (col == 1) {
            if (! val) {
                cell.innerHTML = '<img src=",204,203,200_.jpg" style="width:60px;">';

Record ID synchronization and sequences

The following example implements a few concepts:

  • How to load the data with hidden IDs for the user;
  • Using a custom column to create an icon to perform any action using the record id;
  • Get the record id from a remote server when a new row is added.

NOTE: the example shows one new line, but you can interact to get more ids if more than one row is added.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

let action = function() {
    let methods = {};
    methods.createCell = function(cell, value, x, y, instance, options) {
        let input = document.createElement('i');
        input.className = 'material-icons'; = 'pointer'; = '22px';
        input.innerHTML = "search";
        input.onclick = function() {
            let id = instance.getRowId(y);
            // Do some action

        // Readonly
    return methods;
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    worksheets: [{
        data: [
            { id:1, data:['Google', '5', ''] },
            { id:2, data:['Bing', '4', ''] },
            { id:3, data:['Yahoo', '1', ''] },
            { id:4, data:['Duckduckgo', '5', ''] },
        columns: [
            { type: 'text', width:'400px' },
            { type: 'rating', width:'100px' },
            { type: action, width:'100px' },
        persistence: '/jspreadsheet/save',
    oninsertrow: function(a,b,c,d,e) {
        // Inserted before?
        let rowNumber = e == false ? b + 1 : b;
        // Go in remotely get the id and return to the cell
            url: '/jspreadsheet/id',
            method: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function(result) {
                // The new id is
                alert('The new row has id: ' + result);
                // set row id
                a.setRowId(rowNumber, result);