Spreadsheet Toolbar
Different from previous versions, there is now one toolbar for multiple worksheets.
The following methods can be used to show, hide or customize the toolbar.
Method | Description |
getToolbar | Get the toolbar's current settings.getToolbar() : Object |
setToolbar | Redefine the toolbar settings.setToolbar(Object settings) : void @param {Object} - Toolbar object, the allowed options are described in the table below. |
showToolbar | Show the toolbar using the current settings.showToolbar() : void |
hideToolbar | Hide the toolbar.hideToolbar() : void |
It is possible to customize the toolbar items though the initialization using the following properties.
Property | Description |
toolbar?: boolean | 'extended' | function | object |
Toolbar Object
It is possible to customize the toolbar items though the initialization using the following properties.
Property | Description |
Toolbar general properties | |
container: boolean | Show the toolbar container border. |
badge: boolean | Add a badge container for each toolbar element. |
title: boolean | Show title below the icons. |
responsive: boolean | Responsive toolbar. Default: false |
items: Array of toolbar item | Items for the toolbar. |
Toolbar item properties | |
type: string | Element type: icon | divisor | label | select |
content: string | Content of the toolbar element |
title: boolean | Tooltip for the toolbar element |
width: number | Toolbar element width |
active: boolean | Initial state for the toolbar element |
class: string | CSS Class for each toolbar element |
value: number | The initially selected option for the type: select |
render: method | Render method parser for the elements in the dropdown when type: select |
onclick: method | When an item is clicked |
onchange: method | When a new item is selected. Valid for the type: select. |
updateState: Function | Create the item state controller.updateState: function(toolbarElement: HTMLElement, toolbarInstance: Object, toolbarItem: HTMLElement, worksheet: Object) => void |
Basic example with programmatic toggle
The following example shows how to enable the default toolbar and hide or show it programmatically after initialization.
NOTE: Material icons style sheet are mandatory for toolbar usage.
It is also possible to show or hide the custom toolbar using JavaScript.
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)
// Create the spreadsheet
let grid = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [
{ minDimensions: [8,5] },
toolbar: true,
document.getElementById("showbtn").onclick = () => grid[0].parent.showToolbar();
document.getElementById("hidebtn").onclick = () => grid[0].parent.hideToolbar();
<input type='button' value='Show Toolbar' id="showbtn">
<input type='button' value='Hide Toolbar' id="hidebtn">
Custom toolbar item
You can set the toolbar property as a function as shown below. This enables a new custom item in the default toolbar without recreating a new toolbar from scratch.
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)
// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
toolbar: function(toolbar) {
// Add a new custom item in the end of my toolbar
tooltip: 'My custom item',
content: 'share',
onclick: function() {
alert('Custom click');
return toolbar;
worksheets: [{
minDimensions: [8,10],
Custom toolbar
Using the toolbar property, it is possible to customize the items in the spreadsheet toolbar.
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v9/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Material+Icons" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
let customToolbar = {
items: [
content: 'save',
onclick: function () {
width: '160px',
options: [ 'Verdana', 'Arial', 'Courier New' ],
render: function(e) {
return '<span style="font-family:' + e + '">' + e + '</span>';
onchange: function(a,b,c,d) {
jspreadsheet.current.setStyle(jspreadsheet.current.getSelected(), 'font-family', d);
type: 'i',
content: 'format_bold',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
jspreadsheet.current.setStyle(jspreadsheet.current.getSelected(), 'font-weight', 'bold');
type: 'i',
content: 'format_italic',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
jspreadsheet.current.setStyle(jspreadsheet.current.getSelected(), 'font-style', 'italic');
content: 'search',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
if (c.children[0].innerText == 'search') {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search_off';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search';
tooltip: 'Toggle Search',
updateState: function(a,b,c,worksheet) {
// Call this one when the worksheet is opened and on the selection of any cells
if (worksheet.options.search == true) {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search_off';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search';
// Set your JSS license key (The following key only works for one day)
// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
minDimensions: [8,10],
toolbar: customToolbar
Default toolbar code
let J = jspreadsheet;
let getDefault = function(toolbar) {
let items = [];
content: 'undo',
onclick: function() {
if (J.current) {
content: 'redo',
onclick: function() {
if (J.current) {
content: 'save',
onclick: function () {
if (J.current) {
width: '120px',
options: [ 'Verdana', 'Arial', 'Courier New' ],
render: function(e) {
return '<span style="font-family:' + e + '">' + e + '</span>';
onchange: function(a,b,c,d) {
if (J.current) {
J.current.setStyle(J.current.getSelected(false, true), 'font-family', d);
type: 'select',
width: '48px',
content: 'format_size',
options: ['x-small','small','medium','large','x-large'],
render: function(e) {
return '<span style="font-size:' + e + '">' + e + '</span>';
onchange: function(a,b,c,d) {
if (J.current) {
J.current.setStyle(J.current.getSelected(false, true), 'font-size', d);
type: 'select',
options: ['format_align_left','format_align_center','format_align_right','format_align_justify'],
render: function(e) {
return '<i class="material-icons">' + e + '</i>';
onchange: function(a,b,c,d) {
if (J.current) {
J.current.setStyle(J.current.getSelected(false, true), 'text-align', d.split('_')[2]);
updateState: function(a,b,c,d) {
let cell = d.selectedCell;
if (cell && cell.length) {
if (d.records[cell[1]][cell[0]].element) {
let value = 'format_align_' + (d.records[cell[1]][cell[0]].element.style.textAlign || d.options.defaultColAlign || 'center');
let index = this.picker.options.data.indexOf(value);
type: 'i',
content: 'format_bold',
k: 'font-weight',
v: 'bold'
type: 'color',
content: 'format_color_text',
k: 'color'
type: 'color',
content: 'format_color_fill',
k: 'background-color'
if (toolbar === 'extended' || typeof(toolbar) === 'function') {
let verticalAlign = ['top','middle','bottom'];
type: 'select',
options: ['vertical_align_top','vertical_align_center','vertical_align_bottom'],
render: function(e) {
return '<i class="material-icons">' + e + '</i>';
value: 1,
onchange: function(a,b,c,d,e) {
if (J.current) {
J.current.setStyle(J.current.getSelected(false, true), 'vertical-align', verticalAlign[e]);
updateState: function(a,b,c,d) {
let cell = d.selectedCell;
if (cell && cell.length) {
if (d.records[cell[1]][cell[0]].element) {
let value = d.records[cell[1]][cell[0]].element.style.verticalAlign || 'middle';
let index = verticalAlign.indexOf(value);
content: 'web',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
if (J.current) {
let h = J.current.getHighlighted();
if (h && h.length) {
let cell = J.helpers.getColumnNameFromCoords(h[0], h[1]);
if (J.current.records[h[1]][h[0]].merged) {
} else {
let colspan = h[2] - h[0] + 1;
let rowspan = h[3] - h[1] + 1;
J.current.setMerge(cell, colspan, rowspan);
tooltip: T('Merge the selected cells'),
type: 'select',
data: [ 'border_all', 'border_outer', 'border_inner', 'border_horizontal', 'border_vertical', 'border_left', 'border_top', 'border_right', 'border_bottom', 'border_clear' ],
columns: 5,
render: function(e) {
return '<i class="material-icons">' + e + '</i>';
right: true,
onchange: function(a,b,c,d,e) {
let selected = J.current.getHighlighted();
let type = d;
if (selected) {
// Default options
let thickness = b.thickness || 1;
let color = b.color || 'black';
let style = {};
// Matrix
let px = selected[0];
let py = selected[1];
let ux = selected[2];
let uy = selected[3];
for (let j = selected[1]; j <= selected[3]; j++) { // Row - py - uy
for (let i = selected[0]; i <= selected[2]; i++) { // Col - px - ux
let columnName = Helpers.getColumnNameFromCoords(i, j);
if (! style[columnName]) {
style[columnName] = '';
if ((type == 'border_left' || type == 'border_outer') && i == px) {
style[columnName] += 'border-left: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else if ((type == 'border_inner' || type == 'border_vertical') && i > px) {
style[columnName] += 'border-left: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else if (type == 'border_all') {
style[columnName] += 'border-left: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else {
style[columnName] += 'border-left: ; ';
if ((type == 'border_all' || type == 'border_right' || type == 'border_outer') && i == ux) {
style[columnName] += 'border-right: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else {
style[columnName] += 'border-right: ; ';
if ((type == 'border_top' || type == 'border_outer') && j == py) {
style[columnName] += 'border-top: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else if ((type == 'border_inner' || type == 'border_horizontal') && j > py) {
style[columnName] += 'border-top: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else if (type == 'border_all') {
style[columnName] += 'border-top: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else {
style[columnName] += 'border-top: ; ';
if ((type == 'border_all' || type == 'border_bottom' || type == 'border_outer') && j == uy) {
style[columnName] += 'border-bottom: ' + thickness + 'px solid ' + color + '; ';
} else {
style[columnName] += 'border-bottom: ; ';
if (Object.keys(style)) {
J.current.setStyle(style, null, null, true);
onload: function(a, b) {
// Border color
let container = document.createElement('div');
let div = document.createElement('div');
let colorPicker = jSuites.color(div, {
closeOnChange: false,
onchange: function(o, v) {
o.parentNode.children[1].style.color = v;
b.color = v;
let i = document.createElement('i');
i.innerHTML = 'color_lens';
i.onclick = function() {
let div = document.createElement('div');
let picker = jSuites.picker(div, {
type: 'select',
data: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
render: function(e) {
return '<div style="height: ' + e + 'px; width: 50px; background-color: black;"></div>';
onchange: function(a, k, c, d) {
b.thickness = d;
width: '80px',
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.style.flex = '1'
content: 'fullscreen',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
if (c.children[0].innerText == 'fullscreen') {
c.children[0].innerText = 'fullscreen_exit';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'fullscreen';
tooltip: 'Toggle Fullscreen',
updateState: function(a,b,c,d) {
if (d.parent.config.fullscreen == true) {
c.children[0].innerText = 'fullscreen_exit';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'fullscreen';
content: 'search',
onclick: function(a,b,c) {
if (c.children[0].innerText == 'search') {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search_off';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search';
tooltip: 'Toggle Search',
updateState: function(a,b,c,d) {
if (d.options.search == true) {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search_off';
} else {
c.children[0].innerText = 'search';
return items;