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Custom Spreadsheet Column Type

Jspreadsheet is a javascript data grid with spreadsheet-like controls that gives developers a lot of flexibility. The following example shows how to integrate a third-party clock plugin as a custom column. From version 8, the editor is created once, and it is the same during the entire lifecycle of the application.

A custom column based on the clockpicker plugin by weareoutman.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="custom"></div>

let clockEditor = function() {
    // Create the editor once to persist the whole lifecycle of the spreadsheet
    let editor = document.createElement('input');
    editor.type = 'text'; = '100%';

    // Close event
    let closeEvent = null;

    // Create instance of the clock picker
    $(editor).clockpicker({ afterDone: function() {

    // JSS editor
    let methods = {};

    methods.createCell = function(cell, value, x, y, instance, options) {
        cell.innerHTML = value;

    methods.updateCell = function(cell, value, x, y, instance, options) {
        if (cell) {
            cell.innerHTML = value;

    methods.openEditor = function(cell, value, x, y, instance, options) {
        // Append the clock picker to the input container
        // Make sure input container is not editable
        instance.parent.input.setAttribute('contentEditable', false);
        // Set the current value
        editor.value = value;
        // Focus to open the clock picker
        // Make sure JSS object class is set to keep the focus on the spreadsheet
        if (! document.querySelector('.clockpicker-popover').classList.contains('jss_object')) {
        // Update close event
        closeEvent = function() {
            instance.closeEditor(cell, true);

    methods.closeEditor = function(cell, save, x, y, instance, options) {
        if (save) {
            cell.innerHTML = editor.value;
        } else {
            cell.innerHTML  = '';
        // Return value
        return cell.innerHTML;

    return methods;

// Set the JSS spreadsheet license

// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('custom'), {
    worksheets: [{
        data: [
            ['PHP', '14:00'],
            ['Javascript', '16:30'],
        columns: [
                type: 'text',
                title: 'Course Title',
                width: '300px'
                type: clockEditor,
                title: 'Time',
                width: '200px'