JavaScript events are the perfect way to integrate the spreadsheet with your applications. There are three ways to handler those events, such as:
- The global data grid event dispatcher method;
- Implementing methods for individual events such as onchange, onclick, etc;
- Implementing the onevent method inside a spreadsheet plugin.
In this section, we provide more details about the first two methods. If you are interested in the events inside plugins, please visit the plugin's documentation.
Specific Event Handlers
There are several specific event handlers available in Jspreadsheet as shown below:
Event | description |
onload | onload(spreadsheet: Object) => void This method is called when the data in the spreadsheet is ready. |
onclick | onclick(worksheet: Object, section: String, x: Number, y: Number) => void When the spreadsheet is clicked. Sections: nested | header | row | cell | selectall | tabs | cloning | toolbar | footer |
onundo | onundo(worksheet: Object, historyRecord: Object) => void When undo is applied |
onredo | onredo(worksheet: Object, historyRecord: Object) => void When redo is applied |
onbeforesave | onbeforesave(spreadsheet: Object, worksheet: Object, data: Object) => Boolean | Object Before any data is sent to the backend. Can be used to overwrite the data or to cancel the action when return false. |
onsave | onsave(spreadsheet: Object, worksheet: Object, data: Object) => void After the data is sent to the server. |
onbeforechange | onbeforechange(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number, value: Any) => Boolean | Any Before a column value is changed. NOTE: It is possible to overwrite the original value, by returning a new value on this method. v3.4.0+ |
onchange | onchage(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number, newValue: Any, oldValue: Any) => void After a column value is changed. |
onafterchanges | onafterchanges(worksheet: Object, records: Array) After all changes are applied in the table. |
oncopy | oncopy(worksheet: Object, selectedCells: Array, data: String) => String When a copy is performed in the spreadsheet. Any string returned will overwrite the user data or return null to progress with the default behavior. |
onbeforepaste | onbeforepaste(worksheet: Object, data: Array, x: Number, y: Number, style: Array, processedData: String) => boolean | Array Before the paste action is performed. Can return parsed or filtered data, can cancel the action when return false. |
onpaste | onpaste(worksheet: Object, data: Array) => void After a paste action is performed in the spreadsheet. |
onbeforeinsertrow | onbeforeinsertrow(worksheet: Object, rowNumber: Number, numOfRows: Number, insertBefore: Boolean) => boolean | void Before a new row is inserted. You can cancel the insert event by returning false. |
oninsertrow | oninsertrow(worksheet: Object, rowNumber: Number, numOfRows: Number, records: Array, insertBefore: Boolean) => void After a new row is inserted. |
onbeforedeleterow | onbeforedeleterow(worksheet: Object, rowNumber: Number, numOfRows: Number) => boolean | void Before a row is deleted. You can cancel the delete event by returning false. |
ondeleterow | ondeleterow(worksheet: Object, rowNumber: Number, numOfRows: Number, rowDOMElements: Array, rowData: Array, cellAttributes: Array) => void After a row is deleted. |
onbeforeinsertcolumn | onbeforeinsertcolumn(worksheet: Object, columnNumber: Number, numOfColumns: Number, insertBefore: Boolean) => boolean | void Before a new column is inserted. You can cancel the insert event by returning false. |
oninsertcolumn | oninsertcolumn(worksheet: Object, columnNumber: Number, numOfColumns: Number, historyRecords: Array, insertBefore: Boolean) => void After a new column is inserted. |
onbeforedeletecolumn | onbeforedeletecolumn(worksheet: Object, columnNumber: Number, numOfColumns: Number) => Boolean | void Before a column is excluded. You can cancel the insert event by returning false. |
ondeletecolumn | ondeletecolumn(worksheet: Object, columnNumber: Number, numOfColumns: Number, affectedDOMElements: Array, historyProperties: Array, cellAttributes: Array) => void After a column is excluded. |
onmoverow | onmoverow(worksheet: Object, origin: Number, destination: Number) => void; After a row is moved to a new position. |
onmovecolumn | onmovecolumn(worksheet: Object, origin: Number, destination: Number) => void After a column is moved to a new position. |
onresizerow | onresizerow(worksheet: Object, row: Mixed, height: Mixed, oldHeight: Mixed) => void After a height change for one or more rows. |
onresizecolumn | onresizecolumn(worksheet: Object, column: Mixed, width: Mixed, oldWidth: Mixed) => void After a column width change for one or more columns. |
onselection | onselection(worksheet: Object, px: Number, py: Number, ux: Number, uy: Number, origin?: Object) => void When the selection is changed. |
onbeforecomments | onbeforecomments(worksheet: Object, newValues: Object) => Boolean | void Before a new comment is added or updated. Return false to cancel the event. |
oncomments | oncomments(worksheet: Object, cells: Object, oldValues: Object) => void After a new comment is added or updated. |
onbeforesort | onbeforesort(worksheet: Object, column: Number, direction: Number, newOrderValues: Array) => Any It runs before sorting a column. It should return an array with a custom sorting or false to cancel the user action. |
onsort | onsort(worksheet: Object, column: Number, direction: Number, newOrderValues: Array) => void When a column is sorted. |
onfocus | onfocus(worksheet: Object) => void When the spreadsheet gets the focus. |
onblur | onblur(worksheet: Object) => void When the spreadsheet loses the focus. |
onmerge | onmerge(worksheet: Object, newValue: Object, oldValue: Object) => void When merge cells is executed. |
onchangeheader | onchangeheader(worksheet: Object, column: Number, newValue: String, oldValue: String) => void When the header title is changed. |
onchangefooter | onchangefooter(worksheet: Object, newValue: [], oldValue: []) => void When the footers are created or updated. |
onchangefootervalue | onchangefootervalue(worksheet: Object, x: Number, y: Number, value: String) => void When the value in a cell footer is changed. |
onchangenested | onchangenested(worksheet: Object, options: object) => void When updating the nested headers |
onchangenestedcell | onchangenestedcell(worksheet: Object, x: Number, y: Number, properties: Object) => void When updating a nested cell |
oncreateeditor | oncreateeditor(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number, element: DOMElement, options: Object) => void When an editor is created. |
oneditionstart | oneditionstart(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number) => void When the editor is opened. |
oneditionend | oneditionend(worksheet: Object, cell: DOMElement, x: Number, y: Number, newValue: Any, save: Boolean) => void When the editor is closed. |
onchangestyle | onchangestyle(worksheet: Object, newValue: Object, oldValue: Object) => void When the style of a cell is changed. |
onchangemeta | onchangemeta(worksheet: Object, newValue: Object) => void When cell meta information is added or updated. |
onbeforechangepage | onbeforechangepage(worksheet: Object, pageNumber: Number, oldPage: Number, quantityPerPage: Number) => Boolean | void Before the page is changed. Can cancel the action by returning false. |
onchangepage | onchangepage(worksheet: Object, pageNumber: Number, oldPageNumber: Number, quantityPerPage: Number) => void When pagination is enabled and the user changes the page. |
onbeforecreateworksheet | onbeforecreateworksheet(worksheetOptions: Object, position: Number) => boolean | Any Add or change the options for a new worksheet. |
oncreateworksheet | oncreateworksheet(worksheet: Object, worksheetOptions: Object, position: Number) => void When the user creates a new worksheet. |
onrenameworksheet | onrenameworksheet(worksheet: Object, position: Number, newValue: String, oldValue: String) => void When the user renames a worksheet. |
ondeleteworksheet | ondeleteworksheet(worksheet: Object, position: Number) => void When the user deletes a worksheet. |
onmoveworksheet | onmoveworksheet(worksheet: Object, from: Number, to: Number) => void When the user updates the worksheet tab position. |
onopenworksheet | onopenworksheet(worksheet: Object, worksheet: Number) => void When the user opens a worksheet. |
onchangerowid | onchangerowid(worksheet: Object, rows: Array) => void When there is a row id update. |
onbeforesearch | onbeforesearch(worksheet: Object, query: String, results: Array) => Array | boolean | void Action to be executed before searching. The accepted method return would be: null to continue with the default behavior, false to cancel the user action or an array with the row numbers to overwrite the default result. |
onsearch | onsearch(worksheet: Object, query: String, results: Array) => void After the search is applied to the rows. |
onbeforefilter | onbeforefilter(worksheet: Object, filters: Array, data: Array) => void Action to be executed before filtering rows. It can cancel the action by returning false. |
onfilter | onfilter(worksheet: Object, filters: Array, data: Array) => void After the filter has been applied to the rows. |
oncreatecell | oncreatecell(worksheet: Object, element: HTMLElement, x: Number, y: Number, value: String) => void When a new cell is created. |
oncreaterow | oncreaterow(worksheet: Object, rowNumber: Number, tr: HTMLElement) => void After a new row is inserted. |
onbeforeformula | onbeforeformula(worksheet: Object, expression: String, x: Number, y: Number) => void | string | boolean Before executing a formula. |
onformulachain | onformulachain(worksheet: Object, expressions: Array) => void Get the information about the expressions executed from the formula chain. |
onopenfilter | onopenfilter(worksheet: Object, column: number, options: Array) => options | void Customize the items available when the filter editor is open. |
Special Data Grid Events
Event | description |
contextmenu | contextmenu(worksheet: Object, x: Number, y: Number, e: Event, section: String, section_argument1?: Any, section_argument2?: Any) => Array | boolean Return false to cancel the contextMenu event, or return custom elements for the contextmenu. |
updateTable | updateTable(worksheet: Object, cell: Object, x: Number, y: Number, value: String) => void Run every single table update action. Can bring performance issues if performing too much changes. |
The Data Grid Event dispatcher
The data grid event dispatcher is a global-centralized method to handle all events. The number of arguments depends on the event triggered. NOTE: You can see events in the browser console.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<div id='spreadsheet'></div>
let data = [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000],
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
data: [
['Mazda', 2001, 2000],
['Peugeot', 2010, 5000],
['Honda Fit', 2009, 3000],
['Honda CRV', 2010, 6000],
{ title:'Model', width:'300px' },
{ title:'Price', width:'80px' },
{ title:'Model', width:'100px' },
onevent: function(event,a,b,c,d,e,f) {