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Spreadsheet history

All important changes in the spreadsheet are tracked under the History internal container. From version 8 on, the history is one array shared for all worksheets. In this section, we provide a few more details about the spreadsheet changes tracker.



The undo and redo methods are normally invoked by the CTRL+Z, CTRL+Y keyboard shortcut. The following methods can be called programmatically, as follows:

Method Description
undo() Undo the last spreadsheet changes.
undo() : void
redo() Redo the most recent spreadsheet changes.
redo() : void


Events related to the history changes tracker.

Event Description
onredo onredo(worksheet: Object, info: Object) : null
The info array contains all necessary information about the history and depends on which change was performed.
onundo onundo(worksheet: Object, info: Object) : null
The info array contains all necessary information about the history and depends on which change was performed.