Spreadsheet Filters
This section provides more details about the methods, events, and properties related to the spreadsheet filters. Jspreadsheet gives developers a flexible way to interact programmatically with the filters and customize their behavior.
Method | Description |
setFilter(number, array) | Apply filters programmatically.setFilter(columnNumber: Number, values: String[]) |
getFilter(mixed) | Currently applied filters to a column or to all columns.getFilter(columnNumber: Number|null) |
openFilter(number) | Open the filter input.openFilter(columnNumber: Number) |
closeFilter() | Close the filter input.closeFilter() |
resetFilters() | Reset all filters.resetFilters() |
showFilter(number) | Enable the filter icon for one or all columns.showFilter(columnNumber: Number|null) |
hideFilter(number) | Disable the filter icon for one or all columns.hideFilter(columnNumber: Number|null) |
resetFilters(mixed) | Reset the filters for one or all columns..resetFilters(columnNumber: Number|null) |
Related events
It is possible to completely overwrite the filters' behavior using onbeforefilter
. The event can be used to intercept andcancel or change the filter results.
Events | Description |
onbeforefilter | Action to be executed before applying the filter. Returns an array with the valid row numbers or returns false to return all rows.onbeforefilter(worksheet: Object, terms: Object, rowNumbers: Number[]) . The object contains the terms used in each of the existing columns. |
onfilter | After the filter has been applied to the rows.onfilter(worksheet: Object, terms: String[], rowNumbers: Number[]) |
onopenfilter | Customize the items available when the filter editor is open.onopenfilter(worksheet: Object, column: number options: Object[]) => options | undefined |
Initial Settings
Property | Description |
filters: boolean | Start the spreadsheet with the filters enabled. Default: false |
Enable the filter for individual columns
The properties filter
is available on the columns object when creating a new spreadsheet. The property filter: true will enable the filter for the column specified.
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
data: data,
filters: false,
columns: [
{ type: 'text', title: 'Car', filter: true },
{ type: 'text' },
Interacting with the filters programmatically
Enable the filters on the initialization and apply or reset filters programmatically.
Apply ['Honda'] programatically to the first worksheet, second column
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
<input type='button' value='Apply' id="applybtn">
<input type='button' value='Reset' id="resetbtn">
// Set the JSS spreadsheet license
let apply = function() {
worksheets[0].setFilter(1, ['Honda']);
let reset = function() {
let data = [
['Jazz', 'Honda', '2019-02-12', true, '2000,00', '=E1*0.1', '#777700'],
['Civic', 'Honda', '2018-07-11', false, '4000,01', '=E2*0.1', '#007777'],
['Civic', 'Honda', '2018-07-12', true, '3200,01', '=E3*0.1', '#117717'],
['Picanto', 'Kia', '2018-07-12', false, '4000,00', '=E4*0.1', '#ffb74d'],
['Optima', 'Kia', '2020-01-12', false, '3000,00', '=E5*0.1', '#4db6ac'],
let worksheets = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
data: data,
filters: true,
columns: [
type: 'dropdown',
"Alfa Romeo",
type: 'calendar',
options:{ format:'DD/MM/YYYY' }
type: 'checkbox',
type: 'number',
mask:'$ #.##0,00',
type: 'text',
truncate: 3,
title: 'Color',
type: 'color',
document.getElementById("applybtn").onclick = apply
document.getElementById("resetbtn").onclick = reset
Enable filters for individual columns
It is possible to enable the filters at the column level. This means you can use the filters for one specific column only.
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
// Set the JSS spreadsheet license
let data2 = [
['Jazz', 'Honda'],
['Civic', 'Honda'],
['Civic', 'Honda'],
['Picanto', 'Kia'],
['Optima', 'Kia'],
// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
data: data2,
filters: false,
columns: [
{ type: 'text', filter: true, width: '300px' },
{ type: 'text' },
Customize the spreadsheet filter behavior
Custom filters can be created using the onbeforefilter event.
In this example, if "Canada" is present in the terms in the first column filter, always display all rows.
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v8/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
// Set the JSS spreadsheet license
// Create the spreadsheet
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
worksheets: [{
data: [
['United States', 'Wholemeal', 'Yes', '2019-02-12'],
['Canada', 'Breakfast Cereals', 'Yes', '2019-03-01'],
['Canada', 'Grains', 'No', '2018-11-10'],
['Brazil', 'Pasta', 'Yes', '2019-01-12'],
defaultColWidth: '140px',
filters: true,
onbeforefilter: function(worksheet, terms, results) {
// Show all rows if Canada is one of the options
if (terms[0] && terms[0].indexOf('Canada') >= 0) {
return false;
return results;