
Remote database ids and actions

The following example shows a few important concepts.

  • How to load the data with IDS that are not shown to the user;
  • How to create custom data grid columns, in this example adding icon with actions;
  • Get a new remote id every single row added to the system;

NOTE: the example handles with one new line, but you can interact to get more ids in case more than one rows are added

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

let action = function() {
    let methods = {};

    methods.createCell = function(cell, value, x, y, instance, options) {
        let input = document.createElement('i');
        input.className = 'material-icons'; = 'pointer'; = '22px';
        input.innerHTML = "search";
        input.onclick = function() {
            let id = instance.getRowId(y);
            // Do some action


    return methods;

jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    data: [
        { id:'1', data:['Google', '5', ''] },
        { id:'2', data:['Bing', '4', ''] },
        { id:'3', data:['Yahoo', '1', ''] },
        { id:'4', data:['Duckduckgo', '5', ''] },
    columns: [
        { type: 'text', width:'400px' },
        { type: 'rating', width:'100px' },
        { type: action, width:'100px', readOnly: true },
    persistance: '/jspreadsheet/save',
    oninsertrow: function(a,b,c,d,e) {
        // Inserted before?
        let rowNumber = e == false ? b + 1 : b;
        // Go in remotely get the id and return to the cell
            url: '/jspreadsheet/id',
            method: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            success: function(result) {
                // The new id is
                alert('The new row has id: ' + result);
                // set row id
                a.jexcel.setRowId(rowNumber, result);
    license: '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',