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Quick reference

Considering the following example:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

let spreadsheet = jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
    minDimensions: [4,10]


Method Example
Data related
getData : Get the full or partial table data spreadsheet.getData(Boolean onlyHighlighedCells)
setData: Set the table data from a JavaScript array, null will reload what is in memory. spreadsheet.setData(Array data)
setJson: Set the table data from a json object, null will reload what is in memory. spreadsheet.getJson(Object data)
refresh: Refresh the data. spreadsheet.refresh();
getJson: Get the full or partial table data in JSON format
@Param boolan onlyHighlighedCells - Get only highlighted cells
spreadsheet.getJson(Boolean onlyHighlightedCells);
filter: Programatically apply filters to a column. spreadsheet.filter(Integer columnNumber, Object with values);

spreadsheet.filter(0, { US: true, BR: true});
getRowData: Get the data from one row by number
@Param integer rowNumber - Row number
setRowData: Set the data from one row by number
@Param integer rowNumber - Row number
@param array rowData - Row data
spreadsheet.setRowData([int], [array]);
getColumnData: Get the data from one column by number
@Param integer columnNumber - Column number
setColumnData: Set the data from one column by number
@Param integer columnNumber - Column number
@param array colData - Column data
spreadsheet.setColumnData([int], [array]);
setMerge: Merge cells
@Param string columnName - Column name, such as A1.
@Param integer colspan - Number of columns
@Param integer rowspan - Number of rows
spreadsheet.setMerge([string], [int], [int]);
getMerge: Get merged cells properties
@Param string columnName - Column name, such as A1.
removeMerge: Destroy merged by column name
@Param string columnName - Column name, such as A1.
destroyMerged: Destroy all merged cells spreadsheet.destroyMerge();
getCell : get current cell DOM
@Param string columnName - str compatible with excel, or as object.
getLabel : get current cell DOM innerHTML
@Param string columnName - str compatible with excel, or as object.
getValue: get current cell value
@Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object.
getValueFromCoords: get value from coords
@Param integer x
@Param integer y
spreadsheet.getValueFromCoords([integer], [integer]);
setValue: change the cell value
@Param mixed cellIdent - str compatible with excel, or as object.
@Param string Value - new value for the cell
@Param bool force - update readonly columns
spreadsheet.setValue([string], [string], [bool]);
setValueFromCoords: get value from coords
@Param integer x
@Param integer y
@Param string Value - new value for the cell
@Param bool force - update readonly columns
spreadsheet.getValueFromCoords([integer], [integer], [string], [bool]);
resetSelection: Reset the table selection
@Param boolean executeBlur - execute the blur from the table
updateSelection: select cells
@Param object startCell - cell object
@Param object endCell - cell object
@Param boolean ignoreEvents - ignore onselection event
spreadsheet.updateSelection([cell], [cell], true);
updateSelectionFromCoords: select cells
@Param integer x1
@Param integer y1
@Param integer x2
@Param integer y2
spreadsheet.updateSelectionFromCoords([integer], [integer], [integer], [integer]);
getWidth: get the current column width
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
setWidth: change column width
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param string newColumnWidth - New column width
spreadsheet.setWidth([integer], [integer]);
getHeight: get the current row height
@Param integer rowNumber - row number starting on zero
setHeight: change row height
@Param integer rowNumber - row number starting on zero
@Param string newRowHeight- New row height
spreadsheet.setHeight([integer], [integer]);
getHeader: get the current header by column number
@Param integer columnNumber - Column number starting on zero
getHeaders: get all header titles spreadsheet.getHeaders();
setHeader: change header by column
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param string columnTitle - New header title
spreadsheet.setHeader([integer], [string]);
getStyle: get table or cell style
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
setStyle: set cell(s) CSS style
@Param mixed - json with whole table style information or just one cell identification. Ex. A1.
@param k [optional]- CSS key
@param v [optional]- CSS value
spreadsheet.setSyle([object], [string], [string]);
resetStyle: remove all style from a cell
@Param string columnName - Column name, example: A1, B3, etc
getComments: get cell comments
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
setComments: set cell comments
@Param cell - cell identification
@Param text - comments
spreadsheet.setComments([string], [string]);
orderBy: reorder a column asc or desc
@Param integer columnNumber - column number starting on zero
@Param smallint sortType - One will order DESC, zero will order ASC, anything else will toggle the current order
spreadsheet.orderBy([integer], [boolean]);
getConfig: Get the table configuration variables spreadsheet.getConfig();
setConfig: Set any new table configuration variables spreadsheet.setConfig([object]);
insertColumn: add a new column
@param mixed - num of columns to be added or data to be added in one single column
@param int columnNumber - number of columns to be created
@param boolean insertBefore
@param object properties - column properties
spreadsheet.insertColumn([mixed], [integer], [boolean], [object]);
deleteColumn: remove column by number
@Param integer columnNumber - Which column should be excluded starting on zero
@param integer numOfColumns - number of columns to be excluded from the reference column
spreadsheet.deleteColumn([integer], [integer]);
moveColumn: change the column position
@Param integer columnPosition
@Param integer newColumnPosition
spreadsheet.moveColumn([integer], [integer]);
insertRow: add a new row
@Param mixed - number of blank lines to be insert or a single array with the data of the new row
@Param integer rowNumber - reference row number
@param boolean insertBefore
spreadsheet.insertRow([mixed], [integer], [boolean]);
deleteRow: remove row by number
@Param integer rowNumber - Which row should be excluded starting on zero
@Param integer numOfRows - number of lines to be excluded
spreadsheet.deleteRow([integer], [integer]);
moveRow: change the row position
@Param integer rowPosition
@Param integer newRowPosition
>spreadsheet.moveRow([integer], [integer]);
download: get the current data as a CSV file
@Param bool - true to download parsed formulas.[bool]);
getMeta: get the table or cell meta information
@Param mixed - cell identification or null for the whole table.
setMeta: set the table or cell meta information
@Param mixed - json with whole table meta information.
fullscreen: Toogle table fullscreen mode
@Param boolan fullscreen - define fullscreen status as true or false
getSelectedRows: Get the selected rows
@Param boolan asIds - Get the rowNumbers or row DOM elements
getSelectedColumns: Get the selected columns
@Param boolan asIds - Get the colNumbers or row DOM elements
showColumn: show column by number spreadsheet.showIndex([int]);
hideColumn: hide column by number spreadsheet.hideColumn([int]);
showIndex: show column of index numbers spreadsheet.showIndex();
hideIndex: hide column of index numbers spreadsheet.hideIndex();
search: search in the table, only if directive is enabled during inialization.
@Param string - Search for word[string]);
resetSearch: reset search table spreadsheet.resetSearch();
whichPage: Which page showing on Jspreadsheet - Valid only when pagination is true. spreadsheet.whichPage();
page: Go to page number- Valid only when pagination is true.
@Param integer - Go to page number[integer]);
undo: Undo last changes spreadsheet.undo();
redo: Redo changes spreadsheet.redo();
getColumnOptions: Get all options from a column or custom cell.
@Param integer - columnNumber
@Param integer - rowNumber.
spreadsheet.getColumnOptions([integer], [integer]);
getType: Get a column type and all column attributes.
@Param integer - columnNumber
setType: Set the column and all column attributes.
@Param integer - columnNumber
@Param mixed - string for type, or object with type and all attributes.
spreadsheet.setType([integer], [mixed]);
updateNestedHeader: Update a nested header attributes.
@Param integer x
@Param integer y
@Param object properties - Properties are title, colspan, rowspan.
spreadsheet.updateNestedHeader([integer], [integer], [object]);
getNestedColumns: Get all columns below a nested header.
@Param integer x
@Param integer y
spreadsheet.getNestedColumns([integer], [integer]);
setBorder: Create or update a border.
@Param integer x1
@Param integer y1
@Param integer x2
@Param integer y2
@Param string borderName
spreadsheet.setBorder([integer], [integer],[integer], [integer], [string]);
setFooter: Create a fix footer row.
@Param array data
getHighlighted: Get the highlighted coordinates spreadsheet.getHighlighted();
selectAll: Select all cells spreadsheet.selectAll();
copy: Copy data from the spreadsheet spreadsheet.copy()

Working example


Event description
onevent onevent(arguments)
This is the general event and it is called together with any other events. The arguments are different depending on the event.
onbeforesave onbeforesave(DOMElement el, Object instance, Array data)
Before any data is sent to the backend. Can be used to overwrite the data or to cancel the action when return false.
onsave onsave(DOMElement el, Object instance, Array data)
After the data is sent to the server.
onload onload(DOMElement el, Object instance)
This method is called when the data in the spreadsheet is ready.
onbeforechange onbeforechange(DOMElement el, DOMElement cell, Number x, Number y, Mixed value)
Before a column value is changed. NOTE: It is possible to overwrite the original value, by return a new value on this method. v3.4.0+
onchange onchage(DOMElement el, DOMElement cell, Number x, Number y, Mixed newValue, Mixed oldValue)
After a column value is changed.
onafterchanges onafterchanges(DOMElement el, Array records)
After all changes are applied in the table.
onbeforepaste onbeforepaste(DOMElement el, Array data, Number x, Number y)
Before the paste action is performed. Can return parsed or filtered data, can cancel the action when return false. From 7.9.11 the data receives an Array.
onpaste onpaste(DOMElement el, Array data)
After a paste action is performed in the spreadsheet.
onbeforeinsertrow onbeforeinsertrow(DOMElement el, Number rowNumber, Number numOfRows, Boolean insertBefore)
Before a new row is inserted. You can cancel the insert event by returning false.
oninsertrow oninsertrow(DOMElement el, Number rowNumber, Number numOfRows, Boolean insertBefore)
After a new row is inserted.
onbeforedeleterow onbeforedeleterow(DOMElement el, Number rowNumber, Number numOfRows)
Before a row is deleted. You can cancel the delete event by returning false.
ondeleterow ondeleterow(DOMElement el, Number rowNumber, Number numOfRows, Array rowDOMElements, Array rowData, Array cellAttributes)
After a row is excluded.
onbeforeinsertcolumn onbeforeinsertcolumn(DOMElement el, Number columnNumber, Number numOfColumns, Boolean insertBefore)
Before a new column is inserted. You can cancel the insert event by returning false.
oninsertcolumn oninsertcolumn(DOMElement el, Number columnNumber, Number numOfColumns, Array historyRecords, Boolean insertBefore)
After a new column is inserted.
onbeforedeletecolumn onbeforedeletecolumn(DOMElement el, Number columnNumber, Number numOfColumns)
Before a column is excluded. You can cancel the insert event by returning false.
ondeletecolumn ondeletecolumn(DOMElement el, Number columnNumber, Number numOfColumns, Array affectedDOMElements, Array historyProperties, Array cellAttributes)
After a column is excluded.
onmoverow onmoverow(DOMElement el, Number origin, Number destination)
After a row is moved to a new position.
onmovecolumn onmovecolumn(DOMElement el, Number origin, Number destination)
After a column is moved to a new position.
onresizerow onresizerow(DOMElement el, Mixed row, Mixed height, Mixed oldHeight)
After a height change for one or more rows.
onresizecolumn onresizecolumn(DOMElement el, Mixed column, Mixed width, Mixed oldWidth)
After a column width change for one or more columns.
onselection onselection(DOMElement el, Number px, Number py, Number ux, Number uy, Number origin)
When the selection is changed.
onbeforesort onbeforesort(DOMElement el, Number column, Number direction, Array newOrderValues)
Before a column is sorted. It is possible to cancel the action when returning false.
onsort onsort(DOMElement el, Number column, Number direction)
When a column is sorted.
onfocus onfocus(DOMElement el)
On table focus
onblur onblur(DOMElement el)
On table blur
onmerge onmerge(DOMElement el, String cellName, Number colspan, Number rowspan)
On column merge
onchangeheader onchangeheader(DOMElement el, Number column, String newValue, String oldValue)
When the title is changed
onundo onundo(DOMElement el, Object historyRecord)
On undo is applied
onredo onredo(DOMElement el, Object historyRecord)
On redo is applied
oneditionstart oneditionstart(DOMElement el, DOMElement cell, Number x, Number y)
When an openEditor is called.
oneditionend oneditionend(DOMElement el, DOMElement cell, Number x, Number y, Mixed newValue, Boolean save)
When a closeEditor is called.
onchangestyle onchangestyle(DOMElement el, Mixed mixed, String key, String value)
When a setStyle is called.
onchangemeta onchangemeta(DOMElement el, Mixed mixed, String key, String value)
When a setMeta is called.
onbeforechangepage onbeforechangepage(DOMElement el, Number pageNumber, Number oldPage, Number quantityPerPage)
Before the page is changed. Can cancel the action when return is false.
onchangepage onchangepage(DOMElement el, Number pageNumber, Number oldPageNumber)
When pagination is enabled and the page is changed.
onbeforecreateworksheet onbeforecreateworksheet(JSON worksheetOptions)
Add or change the options of a new worksheet.
oncreateworksheet oncreateworksheet(JSON worksheetOptions)
Add or change the options of a new worksheet.
ondeleteworksheet ondeleteworksheet(DOMElement el, Number worksheetNumber)
When a worksheet is removed.
onmoveworksheet onmoveworksheet(DOMElement el, Number from, Number to)
When a worksheet position is changed.
onopenworksheet onopenworksheet(DOMElement el, Number worksheet)
When a worksheet is opened.
onchangerowid onopenworksheet(DOMElement el, Object Instance, Array rows)
When update the id from rows.
onbeforesearch onbeforesearch(DOMElement el, String str, Array rowNumbers, Object search)
Action to be executed before the search. It can be used to cancel or to intercept and customize the searching process.
onsearch onsearch(DOMElement el, String str, Array rowNumbers, Object search)
After the filter has been applied to the rows.
onbeforefilter onbeforefilter(DOMElement el, Array filters, Array data)
Action to be executed before filtering rows. It can cancel the action by returning false.
onfilter onfilter(DOMElement el, Array filters, Array data)
After the filter has been applied to the rows.
oncomments oncomments(DOMElement el, Object cells)
After a new comment is added or updated.

Example on handling events on Jspreadsheet


Parameter Description
cloud Hash identification for the Jspreadsheet Cloud Engine for realtime spreadsheet sharing: guid
url Load a external json file from this URL: string
data Load this data into the javascript table: array
json Load this json into the javascript table: json
persistance Remote data persistance: mixed. Bool when the URL to load is the same for the updates. String for a custom backend persistance server.
copyCompatibility When is true copy and export will bring formula results, if false will bring formulas: boolean
rows Row properties: height.: object
columns Column type, title, width, align, dropdown options, text wrapping, mask, etc.: object
cells Cell type, title, width, align, dropdown options, text wrapping, mask, etc.: object
nestedHeaders Define the nested headers, including title, colspan, etc: object
defaultColWidth Default width for a new column: integer
defaultColAlign Default align for a new column: [center, left, right]
minSpareRows Minimum number of spare rows: [integer]
minSpareCols Minimum number of spare cols: [integer]
minDimensions Minimum table dimensions: [cols,rows]
allowExport Allow table export: bool
includeHeadersOnDownload Include header titles on download: bool
columnSorting Allow column sorting: bool
columnDrag Allow column dragging: bool
columnResize Allow column resizing: bool
rowResize Allow row resizing: bool
rowDrag Allow row dragging: bool
editable Allow table edition: bool
allowInsertRow Allow insert a new row: bool
allowManualInsertRow Allow user to insert a new row: bool
allowInsertColumn Allow insert a new column: bool
allowManualInsertColumn Allow user to create a new column: bool
allowDeleteRow Allow delete a row: bool
allowDeleteColumn Allow delete a column: bool
allowRenameColumn Allow rename a column: bool
allowComments Allow comments over the cells: bool
wordWrap Global text wrapping: bool
csv Load a external CSV file from this URL: string
csvFileName Default filename for a download method: string
csvHeaders Load header titles from the CSV file: bool
csvDelimiter Default delimiter for the CSV file: string
selectionCopy Allow selection copy: bool
mergeCells Cells to be merged in the table innitialization: object
toolbar Add custom toolbars: object
search: bool Allow search in the table
pagination: integer Break the table by pages
paginationOptions: [array of numbers] Number of records per page: 25,50,75,100 for example
paginationWheel: bool Use the mouse wheel to change pages in pagination is available
fullscreen: bool Fullscreen mode
lazyLoading: bool Activate the table lazyloading
loadingSpin: bool Activate the loading spin
tableOverflow Allow table overflow: bool
tableOverflowResizable Allow table resize: bool
tableHeight Force the max height of the table: CSS String
tableWidth Force the max width of the table: CSS String
comments Initial table comments: object
meta Meta information: object
style Cells style in the table innitialization: object
parseFormulas Enable execution of formulas inside the table
autoIncrement Auto increment actions when using the dragging corner
autoCastings Convert strings into numbers when is possible
cache Cache formula results. It would bring faster results and it is mandatory for cross-worksheet calculations. Should be avoided together with large number of records.
secureFormulas Force formulas to be capital letters.
stripHTML Remove HTML from cells.
freezeColumns Number of freezed columns
freezeNested Number of nested headers freezed.
orderBy Initial table order
tabs Allow tabs
allowCreateTabs Allow create new tabs
parseTableFirstRowAsHeader When creating a spreadsheet based on a HTML table, parse the first row as headers.
parseTableAutoCellType Change the column type to based on frequency of value repetions in a column or in the format of the data.
filters Allow column filters
footers Fixed footer data
plugins Plugin extensions
updateTable Method to config custom script execution. NOTE: This does not work with lazyLoading, Pagination or Search options.
contextMenu Context menu content: function() { return customMenu }
text: object All messages to be customized


Key Default value
noRecordsFound No records found
showingPage Showing page {0} of {1} entries
show Show
entries entries
insertANewColumnBefore Insert a new column before
insertANewColumnAfter Insert a new column after
deleteSelectedColumns Delete selected columns
renameThisColumn Rename this column
orderAscending Order ascending
orderDescending Order descending
insertANewRowBefore Insert a new row before
insertANewRowAfter Insert a new row after
deleteSelectedRows Delete selected rows
editComments Edit comments
addComments Add comments
comments Comments
clearComments Clear comments
copy Copy...
paste Paste...
saveAs Save as...
about About
areYouSureToDeleteTheSelectedRows Are you sure to delete the selected rows?
areYouSureToDeleteTheSelectedColumns Are you sure to delete the selected columns?
thisActionWillDestroyAnyExistingMergedCellsAreYouSure This action will destroy any existing merged cells. Are you sure?
thisActionWillClearYourSearchResultsAreYouSure This action will clear your search results. Are you sure?
thereIsAConflictWithAnotherMergedCell There is a conflict with another merged cell
invalidMergeProperties Invalid merged properties
cellAlreadyMerged Cell already merged
noCellsSelected No cells selected

Working example