Jspreadsheet Pro v7: The JavaScript Spreadsheet
The Jexcel product name has changed to Jspreadsheet. Jspreadsheet, a lightweight Vanilla JavaScript plugin, can help you create exceptional web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets. Compatible with most widely-used spreadsheet software. It offers users an unrivalled spreadsheet-like user experience. It also works well with prominent modern frameworks and flexibly utilizes a large collection of events, extensions and configurations to meet different application requirements. Impress your clients with a better user experience and a great dynamic interactive data management tool.
Impress your clients with a better user experience and a great dynamic interactive data management tool.
- Make rich and user-friendly web interfaces and applications
- Handle complicated data inputs with ease and convenience
- Common shortcuts to move data from/to any other spreadsheet software
- Improve software user experience
- Create rich CRUDS and beautiful UI
- Highly flexible and customizable
- Lightweight and simple to use
- Thousands of successful user cases
Start your free trial now
After you create a free account, you will receive specific instructions on how to download and start using Jspreadsheet. There is no time limit for your evaluation period; you will need a valid license only when you are ready to deploy your applications.
Click here and start with Jspreadsheet Pro
Create amazing online spreadsheets
<script src="https://jspreadsheet.com/v7/jspreadsheet.js"></script>
<script src="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jsuites.net/v5/jsuites.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://jspreadsheet.com/v7/jspreadsheet.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="spreadsheet"></div>
jspreadsheet(document.getElementById('spreadsheet'), {
minDimensions: [10,10],
license: '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'
Differences between the Pro and Community Edition Versions
Feature | Description |
DOM management | With a new DOM management engine, the pagination and lazy loading options allow for higher efficiency in table rendering. |
Formula parsing | The upgraded formula engine ensures that the efficiency and accuracy of calculations are enhanced, even when dealing with chained formulas. |
Cross-Worksheet calculations | Work with formulas from different and multiple worksheets. |
Data persistance | It offers complete support for data persistence. Developers can persist not only data, but also the properties of data tables in a remote server. Data tables can thus be easily recreated. Stronger integration with remote servers enables better management of record IDs and remote data persistence. |
Decouple editors | It allows the overwriting of column properties for one specific cell. For example, the table can be configured to render a drop down in one specific cell within a text type column. |
Filter options | It has the column property filterOptions, which helps developers overwrite the behavior of a cell based on the values of another cell. For example, I have two date columns in a table; the second should not have a date that is before the one in the first. |
Real-time collaboration | Its real-time spreadsheet online sharing capacity gives multiple users the opportunity for effective collaboration. |
Custom editor template | It offers a lot of new native columns types and provides a new simplified custom type template. Developers can extend and create new custom column types within mere minutes. |
Worksheet management | The advanced integrated tab management system gives users a higher degree of flexibility in their usage, including the option to create new worksheets inside a spreadsheet. |
Add-ons and extensions | It supports add-ons and plugins, which allows developers to use third-party extensions or create their own add-ons. |
Premium support | It offers timely and comprehensive technical support to help developers maximize the potential of Jspreadsheet Pro and fulfil any application requirements. |
Jspreadsheet History
The Jexcel product name has changed to Jspreadsheet from 7.9.4
- tracking HTML editor type for closing automatically
- update isFormula to remove # as a token
- fixes with no-mask numeric/text
- fixes on the calendar masking
- oncopy to allow cancel the copying
Jspreadsheet v7.11.4
- Lazy loading to 100 as default
- New lazyNumber property to customize the lazyloading default number
Jspreadsheet 7.10.1
- Tooltip property to the columns
- New arguments to the onlazyloading event
- New arguments to onbeforepaste
- Improve formula caching
- Filter translation for (blanks)
- onwheel behavior improviment
- New masking system
- setExtensions
- setDictionary
- @Types
Jspreadsheet 7.9.11
- The numeric type automatic converts the raw data to number when autoCasting is true.
- Improviments on the formula precedence when cache is true
- onbeforepaste from this version will receive an array.
Jspreadsheet 7.9.4
- The product has been renamed
Jspreadsheet 7.8.2 (Jexcel)
- Filter for individual columns
- Update filters programatically
- Validation property, native and custom rules
- Disabled internal sequence option for new records
Jspreadsheet 7.7.9 (Jexcel)
- Custom divisor for options in the dropdown
Jspreadsheet 7.7.2 (Jexcel)
- Toolbar with options
- Responsive autocomplete column
- textEditor to force input [input type='text'] for column type='number'
Jspreadsheet 7.7.1 (Jexcel)
- New events to customize the search results: onbeforesearch and onsearch.
Jspreadsheet 7.7.0 (Jexcel)
If you migrate from 7.6.1 to 7.7.0 and are dealing with the DOM elements of the tabs using el.children[0], that is changed to el.tabs.headers.
- New tabs with navigation.
Jspreadsheet 7.6.1 (Jexcel)
- Apply filters programatically: filter(integer columnNumber, Object values)
Jspreadsheet 7.4.2 (Jexcel)
- A new spreadsheet event: oncomments(DOMElement el, Object cells)
Jspreadsheet 7.4.0 (Jexcel)
- New column methods: getColumnIdByName, getColumn, setColumn
- executeFormula with optional x, y references.
Jspreadsheet 7.3.5 (Jexcel)
- debugFormulas: true
Jspreadsheet 7.3.0 (Jexcel)
- InternationalKeyboard initialization property
- New jexcel_object class for external elements
- Better searching/filtering integration
Jspreadsheet 7.2.0 (Jexcel)
- Automatic scroll during dragging or selection
- Freeze nested headers
- Freeze index numbers
Jspreadsheet 7.1.6 (Jexcel)
- Wildcard domain certificate licenses
- Formula caching
Jspreadsheet 7.1.0 (Jexcel)
- General formula engine refactoring
- Cross-worksheet formula updates and fixes
- Go-to to row method
- Merge selected cells
Jspreadsheet 7.0.0 (Jexcel)
We are proud to release the new version of Jspreadsheet. More performance and better spreadsheet felling experience for the user.
- Cross-worksheet spreadsheet formula support
- Formula cache
- Multiple filter and search combination
- Spreadsheet with lazycolumns
- New mergeCells controllers
- Merge cell updates with insert/delete rows and columns
- Copy and paste with formulas shift updates
- Optimizations
- New dragging/resizing controllers for columns and rows
- New copy/paste behavior, closer to other software behaviors
- Better record ids management
- New arrow navigation
- Calendar and dropdown options
Jspreadsheet 6 (Jexcel)
It was not released to the public.
Jspreadsheet 5.6.7 (Jexcel)
- setProperty to render changes in the column.
Jspreadsheet 5.6.6 (Jexcel)
- Copy and paste formulas
- Formulas fixes on delete/insert rows
- setConfig to change dimensions
- setHeight to accept arrays of rows
Jspreadsheet 5.6.1 (Jexcel)
- New flag and default: includeHiddenRowsOnCopy: false
- filterOptions with more obvious behavior
Jspreadsheet 5.6.0 (Jexcel)
- Full screen with toolbars and worksheet tabs
- Worksheet new methods, and initial configuration
- Dropodwn with extra properties and filterOptions
- New toolbar with new default options
Jspreadsheet 5.5.0 (Jexcel)
- New worksheet events
- New worksheet actions on contextmenu
- Security increase on formulas and editors
- Jsuites v3 integration
- Toolbars
- New intersheet relation editor
- Formula security
Jspreadsheet 5.0.0 (Jexcel)
- Calendar filter, to create conditions before open
- New detached borders and copying indication border
- New formula and loading engine
- New faster navegation options
- Various different native column type implementations
- New decouple custom column template object
- New cells property capable to set a type for one specific cell
- HTML content compabilibiliy
- Complete data and configuration persistence support
- Remote tables and table multiple users syncronization (Jspreadsheet Cloud)
- Theme
- Fixed formulas on footers
- Formula can return DOM elements
- Dynamic column type changing
Jspreadsheet 4.0.1
- Freeze columns
- Multiple columns resize
- New smart key navigation
- New smart merge cell methods
- Support for large tables, only loads what is necessary when using lazyloading or pagination
- Faster formula engine
- New native formula methods
- Super event: centralized event handler method
- Easier backend integration
Jspreadsheet 3.6.0
- Better formula parsing
- New events
- New initialization options
- General fixes
Jspreadsheet 3.2.3
- getMeta, setMeta methods
- Npm package with jSuites
- General fixes
Jspreadsheet 3.0.1
Jspreadsheet v3 is a complete rebuilt JavaScript Vanilla version. For that reason, it was not possible to keep complete compatibility with the previous version. If you are upgrading you might need to implement a few updates in your code.
The Jspreadsheet v3 brings a lot of great new features:
- Drag and drop columns
- Resizable rows
- Merge columns
- Search
- Pagination
- Lazy loading
- Full-screen flag
- Image upload
- Native color picker
- Better mobile compatibility
- Better nested headers compatibility
- Amazing keyboard navigation support
- Better hidden column management
- Great data picker: dropdown, autocomplete, multiple, group options and icons
- Importing from XSLX (experimental)
Big improvements are included, such as:
- A completely new formula engine with no external dependencies with much faster results.
- Absolutely no selectors, means a much faster application
- New native columns
- No jQuery is required
- React, Vue and Angular examples
- XLXS support using a custom sheetjs (Experimental).
Jspreadsheet 2.1.0
We are glad to bring you the latest jquery plugin version, with the following improvements:
- Mobile touch fixes
- Paste fixes & New CSV parser
Jspreadsheet 2.0.0
- New radio column
- New dropdown with autocomplete and multiple selection options
- Header/body separation for a better scroll/column resize behavior and compatibility
- Better text-wrap including alt+enter excel compatibility
- New set/get meta information
- New set/get config parameters
- New set/get programmatically cell style
- New set/get cell comments
- New table custom toolbar
- New responsive calendar picker
Jspreadsheet 1.5.7
- Checkbox column type improvements
- Destroy jquery table updates
Jspreadsheet 1.5.1
- Spreadsheet data overflow and fixed headers.
- Navigation improvements
Jspreadsheet 1.5.0
- Relative insertRow, deleteRow, insertColumn, deleteColumn.
- Redo, Undo action tracker for insertRow, deleteRow, insertColumn, deleteColumn, moveRow
- New formula column recursive chain
- New alternative design option bootstrap-like.
- updateSettings updates
Javascript spreadsheet examples
view['pages'] AS $k => $v) { $url = $v['url']; $url = explode('/', $url); if (isset($url[1]) && $url[1] == 'examples' && isset($url[2])) { echo "
- {$v['link']}{$v['description']} "; } } ?>
You require a license to use this software. Please choose from our subscription plans.
About Jspreadsheet
Inspired by other spreadsheet software, the Jspreadsheet Pro is a fully original JavaScript software created to facilitate data input and manipulation in web-based applications.
This software has two different distributions, the Community Edition (CE) and the Pro Edition. It is a lightweight alternative to other JavaScript spreadsheet libraries. Therefore, you whould be familiar migrating your data to Jspreadsheet Spreadsheet.